The University of Zadar has already signed Memorandums of Understanding and Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreements with universities from a numerous countries. According to the Strategy of the University of Zadar (2023-2030), one of its strategic goals is the further strengthening of internationalisation. The University of Zadar has participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme since the academic year 2010/2011. In 2013, when Croatia joined the European Union, the University of Zadar was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, enabling our students and staff to participate in the Erasmus+ programme.
If your institution is interested in signing a Memorandum of Understanding or an Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreement, please, contact us by email. Each proposal of Erasmus+ cooperation must define the subject area and the relevant department of the University of Zadar to which the proposal refers. The deadline for signing new Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreements is the 1st of MARCH for the following academic year (e. g. the deadline for signing an agreement valid in the academic year 2024/2025 is the 1st of MARCH 2024). The University of Zadar accepts the Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreements proposals via the EWP Dashboard only while fully endorsing the Erasmus Without Paper initiative which has been supported by the European Commission.
Besides the Erasmus+ programme, the University of Zadar participates in the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS). The programme is conducted via the CEEPUS networks and in the academic year 2024/2025 University of Zadar participates in 14 CEEPUS networks (among them there are five so-called „umbrella“ CEEPUS networks).
Additionally, the University of Zadar is a member of the following international associations: