International Relations

Information for Incoming Non-academic Staff

Non-Academic staff can realise their mobility at our University within different mobility programmes such as Erasmus+, CEEPUS or within Bilateral Cooperation Agreements.

For more information on CEEPUS mobility, please visit the following the website.

In the framework of the Erasmus+ mobility programme, only the employees of the higher education institutions that hold an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) are eligible to participate. Moreover, your home University must have signed an Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement with our University. For more information, please contact the office in charge of Erasmus+ programme at your home University.

If you are interested in realising mobility at departments or other University units, please, contact them directly for an invitation letter and help regarding your work programme. The list of departmental Erasmus coordinators can be found here.

The training period cannot be scheduled during the summer break (July and August). It is advisable to plan your mobility to coincide with the International Staff Week, organised by the International Relations Office every year. IR/Erasmus+ officers are welcome to Erasmus+ training exclusively within the International Staff Week. More information about the International Staff Week can be found here.



Erasmus code:

OID: E10182730

PIC number: 991684060

Nace code: P85.4