International Relations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I get to Zadar? 
You can get to Zadar by bus, plane, ferry or by car. The fastest, cheapest and best way to get to Zadar is by bus. There are direct buses from several European cities, but in most cases you will have to change in Zagreb. If you change in Zagreb consider that there are several carriers providing the bus service. Check the timetables and ask about the validity of return tickets; you might be able to save a little by getting them.
You can plan your trip using the following sites:
Bus Croatia
Autobusni kolodvor Zadar

International plane services at Zadar Airport operate only during the season. During the off-season, you will have to make a change in Zagreb to a domestic carrier to get to Zadar Airport.
A regular international ferry comes from Ancona, Italy. Please visit the Jadrolinija site for the timetable.
If you wish to come by car, you can take the A1 highway coming from Zagreb or the A6 and then A1 from Rijeka. The highways use a ticket system called ENC. More information on tolls can be found on the HAC website.
Car-sharing sites also offer rides to Croatia, it is worth checking them or uploading your trip to save both money and the environment.

How can I find accommodation in Zadar?
There are 10 places for international students in the residence halls, provided on a first-come, first-served basis. A much more reliable way of finding satisfactory accommodation is a private room or an apartment. Prices vary, but you can find a room for approximately 170 €, while the prices for apartments range between 300 and 450 € per month. If you want to rent an apartment, it is advisable to find a roommate. For more information on accommodation please click here

What are the arrival and semester dates for exchange students?
Please check the academic calendar here.

What courses can I take?
The list of the courses as well as information on language requirements can be found here.

What is a PIN number and why do I need it?
The Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a permanent identifier for each Croatian citizen and legal person in the Republic of Croatia. It is determined and assigned by the Ministry of Finance - Tax Administration Office. If you would like to obtain the student X-card, a temporary residence permit, or need to open a bank account in Croatia, you must get a Personal Identification Number, which is called OIB in Croatia.

What do I need to do to get residence permit?
Please read the Pre-arrival Information carefully.

Who has to sign my On-line Learning Agreement?
Please read the On-line Learning Agreement Guide carefully.    

Can I change courses in the Learning Agreement?      
Yes, you can make changes to the proposed Learning Agreement, but they have to be approved by departmental Erasmus+ coordinator at the University of Zadar and the responsible person at your home institution.

What are the English language requirements at the University of Zadar?
The University of Zadar requires students to have very good language skills (in reading, writing and speaking) equivalent to level B2 on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) scale. More information about Language requirements can be found here.



Erasmus code:

OID: E10182730

PIC number: 991684060

Nace code: P85.4