You can participate in the photo/video contest if you are an exchange student on mobility at the University of Zadar in the summer semester 2023/2024 by uploading an original photo or video taken by you that showcases your mobility experience and the spirit of student life in the summer semester at the University of Zadar. The photo and/or video must be shared publicly on your personal Instagram profile including the name of the place where the photo was taken, add #UNIZD #EramsusInZadar #ErasmusInCroatia and tag @international.unizd (the Instagram profile of the International Relations Office). You can also write a brief description of your mobility experience in summer semester at the University of Zadar.
The photo/Video contest will be open from 22 May – 10 June 2024 until 23:59 (closing deadline) on the Instagram profile of the International Relations Office.
Winners of the photo contest will be awarded with a summer-themed gift set:
1st prize: Bluetooth loudspeaker + UNIZD mug and beach towel
2nd prize: Bluetooth earphones + UNIZD mug and cap
3rd prize: wireless charger + UNIZD mug and hand fan
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The rules of the Summer semester Erasmus+ Photo/Video Contest can be found here.
Photo credit: Cover photo by cottonbro studio.