The Summer semester photo/video contest for incoming students at the University of Zadar, which was open from 22 May – 10 June 2024, attracted nine participants who worked hard to create videos and photographs showcasing their student life in Zadar. Considering the criteria specified by the Rules of the Competition: creativity and originality of content, relevance to the main topic, and quality of content, the jury selected the top three candidates:
The first prize, a Bluetooth speaker and a beach towel, went to Lana Bibo (@la.naa), a student from the University of Hildesheim, Germany. Her winning video can be viewed on the Instagram profile of the International Relations Office.
The second prize, Bluetooth headphones and a hat, was awarded to Viktor Velkovski (@viktor_vlkvsk) from the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, Macedonia, who wrote a short text about his experience studying in Zadar alongside his authentic photographs.
The third prize, a mobile USB charger and a scarf, was awarded to Aleksandra Fileva (@aleksandra.fileva), who published wonderful photographs and a text written in Croatian language, which she studies at her home University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Each award winner received a cup and gift bag with the University of Zadar's logo. Congratulations to the winners and all the participants for their time and effort!