
Erasmus+ natječaji za studente

Experience of an Erasmus+ Student from Germany

Franca Hegener, an Erasmus+ incoming student from TU Dortmund, shared with us her experience of studying at the University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) in the winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

During my Erasmus+ stay in Zadar, the University was right by the sea, creating an incredible study environment. I met some amazing people from all over the world, and we quickly became close friends. We often spent our afternoons at the beach after classes, enjoying the beautiful scenery and each other´s company. Additionally, we took the opportunity to travel to neighbouring countries, exploring new cultures and having unforgettable experiences. We visited places like Slovenia, Hungary, Montenegro and Bosnia, each trip offering unique adventures. The combination of stunning landscapes, great exciting travels made it an unforgettable time.

Want to read more about students' experiences in Zadar? Click here.



Erasmus kod: 

OID: E10182730
PIC broj: 991684060

Nace kod: P85.4